Meta Fiddlecamp XXXIII.

Bodajk 2024

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Jazz And The Wine Festival XXIV.

Balatonboglár 2024

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Méta Festival 2024

Balatonboglár 2024

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Myths of the Starry Sky

The Battle of Myths - 2024

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Photo Album of Hungary

Photo Competition

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Légrádi Antal – XXVII.

Talent Search Rock Festival - 2024

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Jazz And The Wine Festival XXIII.

Balatonboglár 2023

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Meta Fiddlecamp XXXII.

Karád 2023

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Pannon StoryFest

Veszprém 2023

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A Night At Kert

Book Launch - Rákoskerti Művelődési Ház 2023

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